Project idea
/ My role
Pure UX/UI experience – create new site for Piggypeg, based on community studies and workshops with stakeholders.
/ Drive plan
1. An in-depth interview with client
2. Desk Research of client' commerce
3. Client's community studies
4. Client's workshop
5. Identifying personas
6. Designing lo-fi prototypes
7. Designing hi-fi prototypes

/ Understanding Piggypeg's community
For the project it was crucial to define an audience, discover its' values, recognize the way they communicate. Also I had to understand the bond between community and blog authors. These informations were starting point for any further steps in project.
/ No fuss website 
Creating website much more simple and preparation for future ecommerce implementation were the most important goals for client. For this approach I had to rebuild website structure, plan new paths for users and design it in more minimal and fresher way
/ Accelerating the website
As increasing current website speed was also crucial to the project I needed to work with developers to design highly reusable and easy to implement components in order to deliver the most valuable product​​​​​​​
/ Kick-off meeting
To create something valuable it's necessary to grasp client's idea and understand motivations driving these changes. Also there was time for defining the way of cooperation.
/ In-depth interview
Here it was time for me to learn from client about his point of view. I've focused on gathering informations about their communication style, commerce properties and its specificity. Also I tried to get informations about potential weak points. 
/ Desk research
After hearing client's point of view I had to compare it with external sources. Desk research helped me to distinguish elements typical for this branch from specific elements occurring in Piggypeg activity.
/ Community recognition
I've spent some time observing Piggypeg's community at the social media. Mainly I've focused on defining ways of communication in the community and relations between authors and recipient.
/ Research summary
It was time for me to look through all gathered data and extract most important informations. Conclusions from the analysis served as a foundation for the future workshops.
/ Workshops
During workshops I've been trying to find client's point of view about typical user of their website which would help me building personas. The other thing I've been trying to work out were very first sketches of website which were needed to start developing its' structure including ecommerce sector.
/ Creating persona
Let me introduce 26 years old Katarzyna, philology student, strongly oriented for having lifestyle authority. She likes easy access to knowledge (often connected with cosmetology). She tries to follow less waste ideology. Most important Katarzyna values are: Trust, truthfulness, family and health.
/ Transforming studies into a project
After analysis phase, I've been finally able to start drawing some meaningful prototypes. The process od creating first sketches was quite intuitive thanks to all gathered data.
/ Unleashing ideas – just sketch it
Sketches were starting point for creating lo-fi digital prototypes. These ones come from late phase of prototyping. At this phase it was crucial for me to present the future flow of website.
/ Systematise it – building wireframes
With ready sketches I've been able to start building wireframes in Figma. This was also the phase when I started creating brand new style guide.
/ Polishing up – final look
With lo-fi prototypes and brand new style guide fully done, I've finally been able to create final look of website. Samples of my work you may find below. Enjoy!
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